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交易ym vs es

HomeBrailey10875交易ym vs es

There are a variety of answers to this question, but the simplest answer is to never risk more than 5-10% of your account on a given trade. I enjoy watching YouTube videos where the traders are trading hundreds of contracts at a time, and the videos always show them making a great return on a … ES, NQ, YM - Which Emini Contract Should You Trade? - Day ... Of course, the YM and NQ contract volume is significantly less than the ES, and liquidity on large orders could be a real problem. I seldom trade more than 5 contracts on the YM, and don't venture much past 10 contracts on the NQ, Again, the issue is potential slippage, which can cost a … ES, NQ, YM - Which Emini Contract Should You Trade? There are a multitude of futures contracts available to trade, and choosing the proper contract is a matter of great importance. Each contract has a distinct personality and pattern of price action. It is little wonder that novice trader bounce from futures contract to futures contract trying to … Does anyone "spread" daytrade the ES vs. NQ or YM vs. NQ ... Jan 05, 2013

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There are a multitude of futures contracts available to trade, and choosing the proper contract is a matter of great importance. Each contract has a distinct personality and pattern of price action. It is little wonder that novice trader bounce from futures contract to futures contract trying to find a profitable formula to trade. In the YM vs. ES. the point move "in Dollars" the value of the move of the ES was greater than the YM 83.56% of the time. This is a start, but in other spreads like the Crack Spread, the Feedlot Spread, the Crush Spread, or even the spread for July Corn vs. Dec. Corn where one is not looking to predict direction but to find aberrations in the 每天 5G 的流水日志(也许标题不应该写海量。。。),不知道怎么存储比较好,目前能想到的方案就是 elasticsearch 和 hbase ,不知道哪个更好呢?个人比较倾向 es 这个非结构化的数据库,hbase 是结构化的,以后想加字段会比较麻烦。大家觉得呢 ? 显示全部 The most active ES contract typically has a daily trading volume between 1 million and 2 million contracts. This fluctuates with volatility. As you might expect, volatile days have higher volume, and low-volatility days are more on the lower end of the volume range. Between 2008 and 2017, ES futures typically had a daily range of 10 points when

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北京时间6月8日,LPL夏季常规赛将继续进行。本日比赛将在OMG vs V5,LGD vs ES之间展开,赛制均为BO3,下面带来关于这两场比赛的前瞻预测。 6.8 17:00 OMG vs V5 看点: V5从第一场比赛来看与以前有些不同,但OMG夏季首战非常衰退,整个队的状态明显问题很大。 现在的OMG没有Carry点,在Icon和smlz的年份重叠 您正在使用证书登录, 请确保电脑已安装了证书或正在使用ukey. ca证书登录 ib的智能传递技术可帮助 ibkr pro版 客户实现最佳价格执行 1 ib智能传递 sm 会搜索您下单时公司股票、期权以及组合的最优可交易价格,并寻求立刻电子化地执行您的定单。 在2019年下半年,ib智能传递相较同业为客户每笔交易平均节省了6.70美元,在扣除ibkr佣金后,每笔交易仍能为客户平均节省4.42美元。【存档】20190908 IGY vs EDG.Y 0:2

May 19, 2020

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